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Old 03-20-2011, 02:09 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Ohio, just east of Toledo
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I can't believe I forgot the end of the story, the best part:
Last week I was sitting on the rocking chair, quilting with the big stitches. My husband walks in and showed me what he just got from the maibox. It was a small package from his grandma's favorite niece. I recognized the name, the last time I saw her was the baby shower for my oldest son. She was Mabel's favorite niece. So he opens the package and inside was a small handwritten note that she had been cleaning and found some things she thought my husband would like.
There was a wedding invitation that she received when his mom and dad got married, an invitation to his high school graduation, and photos! Most of them were of his dad, aged 6 -15, some of Mabel in her early marriage, and a photo of the front of the coal company, that had our last name in it's name.
OMG, how wonderful she thought of him, and such a perfect time, while I was quilting Mabel's quilt!
(my oldest son looks a lot like his grandpa, now I have proof and we knew he was in the Navy. Now we have photos of him in his uniform. These will be packed away for my sailor son)
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