Thread: Batiks
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Old 02-15-2009, 04:28 AM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the middle of a mess...
Posts: 20,025

Originally Posted by peaceandjoy
You folks need to come to the Finger Lakes. The Mennonite stores have absolutely NO character but they have amazing fabrics and the prices are unbelieveable. There are two w/in 30 minutes of me. One is a general store (no foods, but everything from stationery to underwear to pots and pans) with a fabric corner. The other used to be Hoovers Shoes, but recently changed their name. Probably b/c she sells more fabric than shoes. They still have the shoes, as well as bonnets & hats, but more fabric than ever. Golden something or other now.

Fabric is about $5.50/yard and is includes all of the usual manufacturers - Moda, Thimbleberries, Lakeshore, Benartex, etc.

Both stores have lots of batiks. Want to come? Maybe we can do a little shop hop and a miniature horse showing of sorts. Come on, Karla, let's get them here for a visit!
I'm hurrying as fast as I can! Sheesh!! I already told hubby that we WILL be going to NY on our way to VA! He just rolled his eyes at me! lol
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