Thread: Missed The LQS
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Old 03-21-2011, 06:36 PM
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I was so excited about going to the LQS had my best friend to go with , ticket for the show and bus ticket was paid for and guess what!!!!!!! I ended up in the hospital Tues. eve. in the emergercy room. I had pains in my stomach and puking from Mon. I went to the doctors on Tues. afternoon got perscripts and couldn't even take them. I never had pain like this it doubled me over really bad and I've had bad pains with gall bladder before and they even had to knock me out but this was worse. I can't believe I waited that long to go to the hospital. Well at first they thought I had a blockage in my bowel or endoritus . I had to have x-rays, ct-scan and more x-rays. Then they said divorticula and they also thought my small bowel had twisted and got stuck. So all in all I was admitted Wed. morn. and yes all the usual blood work and tests and more x-rays, AND NO FOOD . They got the bowel to relax. there was a pocket of divortic and on the lge bowel it was also irritated. They said if it didn't relax they would have had to operate . Thank You Jesus they didn't have to. I am so glad of that. Well I finally got to come home on Saturday afternoon and all I've been doing is taking it easy and watching what I eat. I felt so bad I missed everyone on here and seeing what you all have been doing those days. I'm feeling alot better. keeping my fingers crossed cause if it happens again it might mean surgery.
I'm looking forward to the next show somewhere.
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