Old 03-21-2011, 07:35 PM
Junior Member
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Posts: 211

Originally Posted by BoJangles
Originally Posted by luv2learn
Nancy. . . . . . your husband and his girlfriend were watching tv while you were treadling?. . . . ha! ha!. . . . . just couldn't resist!!!

Seriously, though I am amazed at how often you and Miz Johnny say I have a. . . . (fill in the blank) machine. . . . do you guys keep count of just HOW MANY machines you have as you add to your collections?. . . What a treat it would be to see them all and watch them work!!
Geeze, it does take me awhile! So the fact that my DH and girl friend were both watching TV - that is the funny part -- not that I still refer to my girlfriends as girlfriends! Geeze, I can be so blonde!

I stopped counting the machines, but Miz Johnny's Mother had counted at least 100 when she was counting Miz Johnny's machines!

:lol: I must be getting old. I didn't get until it was spelled out a little more clearly. Then, I started laughing - tears came to my eyes. Sorry, but I just had a mental image of a lady sewing on her old fashion treadle while DH and GF watched TV. Thanks Nancy and Miz Johnny for the laugh and your information on the White Rotary.

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