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Old 03-21-2011, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by dltaylor
I made this quilt/wallhanging for my children to keep and pass on to the grand children. Now I have three co-workers that want me to make one for them. How do you go about pricing when making quilts/wallhangings for others?
That looks great. I don't comission my work, because I know the materials and my time spent on a quilt would be more expensive than most people would want to pay. Those who don't quilt think we can do them over night or in a few days, NO. Most people have no clue about the time or work we put into making quilts.
I think Pam has thought about everything, and has GREAT advice for you. If you do decide to make one for others, follow Pam's post and get everything in writing and money up front. Make sure all of your co-workers or friends know what to expect. If anyone doesn't want to sign a contract and follow your RULES, then they don't want the quilt, don't waste your time on them.You don't want to get burned yourself and end up with something you can't use, especially since it is a family tree quilt and will have dates and pics of other people on it.
I would like to add something to Pam's advice - Think of the time it took you to do yours, if you are making this for someone else how much time you will be spending and taking away from your personal family and other things you might want to do, but are obligated to work on the quilt. When you were working on your own quilt, it wasn't the same and it was for your family, with no rush on time, you could stop and take care of family needs, whatever. Also do you desperately need the extra money for doing the quilts for others? Sure extra money is always nice, but is the stress really worth it.

My first answer to co-worker would be No! and leave it at that, You could do like someone else suggested take a pic. of yours and let them get someone else to do it, then you wouldn't have the headache or problem later with co-workers that could make ill feelings and cause work problems in the future.
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