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Old 03-22-2011, 07:53 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 203

I am not an expert, but from looking at the blocks in the finished top, it looks like she took 3 strips (EX: red, white, & blue) the same width, sewed them together, Use the triangular ruler and cut two with the base of her ruler on the blue, then rotated the ruler so the base is on the red, then cut two of them. That will give you 4 triangles. Then joined these together to form the square. That gives you 2 small red points and 2 small blue points as your center of the block. The white is always in the middle so that forms the square of a solid color. Then you have 2 large red and 2 large blue strips for the outside of your block. Hope this makes sense. Sorry I don't have a camera, I can't post pictures.
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