Thread: Panels ??
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Old 03-23-2011, 05:58 AM
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Originally Posted by debbieoh
Does anyone know of a website that offer fabric panels? I offered to make 4 to 6 quilts for the hospice I volunteer at.
They will be used in the last hours of a patients life. I really believe they would make a sad experience for the fa,ily a bit more peaceful if there loved one was covered with a quilt than a hospital sheet.
I thought if I could find suitable Panels I could use them as the center and put quilt squares around it with a solid border.
I went to Joanne's the only place to buy fabric around here. What a disappointment. No Panels, no fabric with angels or peace doves.
Any ideas would be appreciated . Unfortunitly cost has to be considered . So if you have any ideas who sells panels, or suitable fabric Would love your ideas.
I have a embroidery machine BUT my machine doesn't do larger designs its a cheapie but a goody LOL!!.
I plan to enlarge a peace Dove our Hospice uses and applicate a large panel for one of the quilts. If it looks ok will make a couple with squares surrounding it. what do you Think.
PLEASE be honest. I want them to bring peace to the families

Forgot I'm not the best quilter in the world so any easy quilting idea's also would help. Great at making the tops but man quilting is somethiing else
Dear Debbie, I have compliment you for the effort... I am a former Hospice Volunteer Director, and know the jester is so appreciated.... I did have a few volunteers who made quilts for the patients and the families cherished the quilts when their loved one passed.... Your quilts do not have to be Fancy or large....We found the Lap size throws were just perfect! be sure you label them with the info representing the Hospice. I also had Volunteers who made just the Labels...this was a project on its own...some of the quilts were as simple as can be of just 9 patch, and some had focal 9" block flower, landscape, etc, as well as a few that were "Male" themes... I am so sure your Vol. Coord. will appreciate them as well as the families.... Another suggestion are the Prayer shawls.. they went well for the purpose as well.
Hope I didn't ramble too much... i loved my job, because I never looked at it as a job. , came to a passionate Love for the family as well as being able to be in oneslast moments of their life..
Here is another hint for you that worked well for my volunteers.... wear you Hospice Vol. Name tag, have the Volunteer Coord. make you Bussiness cards, so when you go to the LFS or your LQS, ask if they will offer a discount for the yardage you will be buying....Joann's Hancock's always gave us a disc... I so love your gift of giving. Bless you, your Heart, and your hands...<3
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