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Old 03-24-2011, 06:12 AM
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Location: Prince Edward Island, CANADA
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Originally Posted by ejpkam
Me and my husband were house hunting one day with our realtor ( we are first time homebuyers) we had looked all day with not so much luck and I didnt even want to see the last house I was ready to go home but my husband insisted ( so glad he did). When we walked in the home it was entirely decorated with quilts all over! From the wall, to furniture, beds, racks.. ect.. The owner was a quilter!! She had a nice quilting room set up as way. The house ended up being perfect for us and we close in 2 weeks! So blessed that God led my steps to our new home and what a great fit it's going to be, they're will always be a quilter residing there :) The owner also let me buy all her quilt racks, and wall hooks, and a nice iron bed to display my quilts on.. but as a true quilter she declined my request to buy a quilt :)

That's great! You should be so proud and happy! Congrats!

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