Old 03-24-2011, 05:38 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Central Missouri
Posts: 462

I have a large Fishing Tackle Box that has three or four drawers (can't remember which) and a deep storage area on the top. I have put all my quilting notions, (smaller square rulers, marking pencils, scissors, rotary cutters. clips for holding binding and other notions) in it and if I want to take it with me all I have to do is pick it up as I go out the door and I have everything I need except my sewing machine and fabric. I had my quilting items stuck all over the place as I don't have a sewing room before my son gave me this tacke box and now they are all in one place and I can find them and lay my hands on them at any time. The boxes that slide out the front can be exchanged if you have something special you want to take. Just get extra boxes and interchange them as needed.

I also use clean pizza boxes to store finished blocks in as well as cut pieces waiting to be pieced.

Plastic boxes for precut squares so I can grab a box of whatever size I need. Really neat for making four patches

I also have some plastic boxes big enough for my serger thread. This keeps them clean and you can see what colors you have at a glance. I often use my serger thread when emroidering designs for quilts rather than the usual embroidery thread.

I also have some plastic tape (got it at a quilt store) and it sticks to nothing but itself. Great for wrapping spools of thread, and a zillion other things and can be used over and over.

That's all that I can think of at the moment, but the tackle box is my favorite.
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