Thread: I have a DREAM!
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Old 03-25-2011, 09:24 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Port Lavaca, TX
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I used to live in New England, NH,and one day I had been visiting friends in the southern part of the state, and made a wrong turn, which is easy to do in thick forest, but I wasn't lost really, because all the forest roads will eventually come out on a state highway.
Suddenly i saw a sign among the thick trees along the side of the road, PINK POODLE QUILT SHOP - or something like that.
Of course my car turned in! It turned out that the lady who lived there was the wife of a man who had a trucking business. She was a dedicated quilter, and had a nice little
quilt shop downstairs in her house, one room with its own entrance. She had some fabric on bolts, and lots of great patterns from Canada, a cutting table, She directed me to the shop door,which was decorated with a pretty painted sign, and both she and her husband, who happened to be home, came down the back stairs and let me in. They were both charming, and I had such a good time. Her husband just took a delight in her shop.
I bought some patterns for wall hangings, and we chatted a good while!
I remember that as one of my favorite visits to a quilt shop ever!
...and the thing was, she had just made her quilting room into a little shop, she had just arranged her sewing equipment into a tiny store. and added some merchandise, like rulers and bobbins and needles, and interesting patterns, of course.
She did all her quilting down there. She had remote sensors to tell her when a customer arrived in the parking space.
my friend,If she did that, maybe this will inspire you to try the same?
All this in the middle of a thick forest!
PS. I hope I got the name right - forgive me, dear heart if I didn't!
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