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Old 03-26-2011, 01:26 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Deep South
Posts: 105

I was just reading the topic about having a "pajama day". It occurred to me how much our lives have changed now that we are retired. Everyday is Pajama Day at our house! We are retired after years of getting up really early......feet to the floor for life's usual commitments, and a very active lifestyle.

DH has been retired for over 15 years. We are not lazy but we certainly enjoy a different lifestyle now. I sew dolls, and clothes for our great-grands (they live in another city), and learning to quilt. DH had a quad. bypass in Nov and does small wood carvings of Jesus on the cross to give away, and we like to watch in-depth news, and re-runs of Golden Girls, Everybody Loves Raymond, etc. Many times we stay up very late......then sleep late. We stay in our jammies until around 1 or 2, at which time we shower and go out for breakfast/lunch/dinner all rolled into one. We may do some shopping (seems our car automatically stops at Jo-Ann fabrics) and then back home to change into really comfy clothes that we wouldn't dare go out in..........or perhaps jammies. Two days a week, we go out to dinner with our friends , (two other couples that we just love and consider them family) and once a week after dinner, we rotate between our three homes for coffee, dessert and 3 games of Yahtzee. We worship on Sunday too. DS is a pilot and gone a lot, but he and his sweet wife visit as often as they can, and we usually go out with them. DD and SIL live out of state, but comes when she can, and calls just about everyday.

I had spinal surgery a year ago, can't do a lot, so we are blessed to have a cleaning lady two hours a week, and a gardener once a week. We certainly aren't wealthy, we enjoy life but choose to live rather frugally......choosing to have some help with things we can no longer do ourselves.

We avoid appointments like the plague, and if we must have an appointment, we try to make it for later in the day.

So I say "YEAH for pajama days" and "YEAH for the retirement years".
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