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Old 03-26-2011, 05:23 PM
rusty quilter
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Originally Posted by juliea9967
I love your quilt, I love your colors, I love the pattern. I don't think I've seen that pattern before. Can you tell us the name of it, or is it called Wedding Bargello?
I also think you need 2 borders. One little one, and then a larger one.
It is beautiful. Really great color choices, which I think is the hardest thing to do when making a Bargello.
Thanks for all of your suggestions. I am glad you reinforced my thoughts about borders. It will end up being two borders (because it has to be King! I will be using the chocolate brown and a blue (probably brown binding) I am thinking. For those that asked, the book is "Twist-and-Turn Bargello Quilts" from Eileen Wright. The pattern is called: Cosmic Twist. I found that by making a copy of the layout chart and checking each strip off as I made it, I was able to keep much better track. They are fun to do!
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