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Old 03-26-2011, 05:51 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Dayton, OH
Posts: 661

Originally Posted by Lori S
Sounds like you would have rather been quilting than aquiring!

This is becoming a very common opinion with quilters. I want to share a suggestion with you that you can pass along to all of your local shops.

We are going to have a "One Stop Shop Hop" !!!!!

Yes, that's right, One Stop. Instead of traveling to all of the shops in a time period there is going to be a weekend "Shop Hop" with all the shops in ONE location. I think it's the new version of shop hops.

With the price of gas on the rise and busy schedules this may be a win-win for shops and quilters both. This may be how shops in country need to set up shop hops until the economy and gas prices improve.

Our "One Stop Shop Hop" has not taken place yet, it is later this year so I can only speculate on the outcome.

Pam M
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