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Old 09-26-2007, 08:29 AM
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Belinda, Yes, I think the neutral scarves would make excellent gifts. The beige one in picture is chenille. They were even using them on the ship on out last cruise. Can you believe they have catalogs where you can order the bedding and bed linens, even lamps, from the hotel chains. I believe those scarves were selling for $170.........Yeah, like I'd give $170 for something I could make from a couple yds of fabric.

I tried to think if they served any useful purpose besides being decorative and the only things I've come up with are: For people who have a habit of sitting on the bed, it would protect the bedspread or comforter and for those of us who throw our suitcases on the bed to load or unload, it would keep those accumulated traveling germs confined to a smaller item that could be washed more easily. On the ships now they're using a vinyl luggage mat on the end of the beds providing a place to unload your bags when you arrive.

I suspect in the hotel industry, it's a way to keep all their bedding uniform and use the scarves to add color.
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