Old 03-27-2011, 01:55 PM
Bobbin along
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Originally Posted by cheryl rearick
People didn't use ink wells in 1945 did they? I thought re: pens were out. hmmm :)
Yes, actually, they did, but Fountain pens were gaining in popularity. You bought a bottle of ink that had a little lip sticking out on the inside of the bottle, and filled your pen from that, and then you could just take the pen with you---hoping it didn't leak all over the front of your shirt! I recieved my first ball-point pen as a gift in about 1947--I was thrilled--I was about 5--and it leaked all over everything. one day I stuck the end of it in my mouth and ended up with a whole mouthful of really bad tasting ink! yuk. My dad then took it away from me and threw it away!
Along about 1954 the fountain pens with cartridges came along, and ohhh, what a treat they were to use. The refill cartridges were a bit expensive so most of us refilled them with an eye-dropper from the old-fashioned ink bottle. ----and that's my story, Morning Glory!
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