Thread: Good Marriages
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Old 03-28-2011, 08:48 AM
Jean S
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Sugar Land, Tx
Posts: 58

We've been married for 36 years. I think we have such a great marriage even though we are sort of opposits.

I agree with everthing already said and will add a few things here.

Value your differences. His strengths are often my weaknesses and vice versa. For example, he is a brilliant person who loses things, like an absent minded professor. Whereas, I'm organized and I know where all my things are (and his), but I'm not nearly as intelligent. We are really different and that could drive each other crazy, but we recognize that together we are very strong and we make a great team.

The other thing is no matter how old you get, flirt with each other. No fake flirting, but sincere compliments, laugh at each other's jokes, hold hands, steal kisses, tickle each other and so on. Flirt! It is fun.
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