Thread: Good Marriages
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Old 03-28-2011, 09:21 AM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
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To start with, throw out that "Each one should do FIFTY PERCENT of everything in a marriage." Wrong...EACH one should do ONE HUNDRED percent in a marriage.

Remember, the dog shouldn't be the only one who is glad to see him come home at night.

I treated my husband like a dog. I found a book called "If A Man Answers" which told how to do this. (They even made a movie about this book.I think Sandra Dee was in it.) When he found out about it he was irritated to start with, but after reading it he was amused and bragged about being treated like a dog.

Husbands leave home by the thousands and some have to be dragged back by the law.

Dogs get lost and come home hundreds of miles on bleeding paws because they are loved and treated well there.

When you call a dog, you pet him for obeying.

When you call your husband, you may be irritated at his slowness and tell him "Dammit, Harry, why didn't you come when I called you? You HEARD me, speak up!!"

And dogs are kept in good condition with treats now and then, taken for walks and talked to during the day. Their beds are always made comfy, just for them.

Husbands sometimes come home to cranky wives eager to tell him how horrible HER day had been, with no interest in his.
(Those 1940s wife suggestions may be funny, but they have a basis of truth in them.)

I would meet my DH at the door whenever possible, hand him a big glass of tea or something hot in cold weather and the daily newspaper. Then I'd go into the kitchen and fry ONE SLICE OF BACON, which would make him think dinner was on the way.

Of course then I could open the freezer and wonder what the heck I was gonna fix for dinner, but the stage had been set.

We were married for 39 1/2 happy years before his last stroke.
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