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Old 03-28-2011, 09:08 PM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posts: 847

Ok - I have decided...after much pushing and prodding to stay on track from this board - the garage is mine.

Today besides meeting my new quilting friend.....

I finished the clean up - all the shelves are dusted and cleaned (we have cabinets that line 2 of the long walls of the garage - those are all cleaned out as well)

All lawn tools moved to the back shed.

60 items placed on ebay.


all items for the garage sale sorted; cleaned and ready to be priced

All stored material washed; folded and stored properly now.

Bid to close up the attic above the garage requested

Priced carpet for the garage tonight - ugh may have to wait on that unless the garage sale goes well

Peg board instead of faux wall to cover garage door - ordered (that I could afford after last week's ebay sales).

I have to look at lighting - that is the only thing really lacking - while there is a really good ballist(sp?) with 4 bulbs in it - it sits up at the front of the garage so I think I'll need something for the middle of it.

Last but not least - I have to get a portable AC - with the weather getting so much warmer that is a must.

On my wish list will be a TV for out there - for now if I want to watch or listen to something I can do it on my computer.

So after the garage sale Friday and ebay sales this week - I'll be ready to actually start fixing the garage up and moving in!

Now if I waiver - ya'll have to keep me on track my son had sad eyes at dinner when I announced everything I had done!!!
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