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Old 02-23-2009, 01:31 PM
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Here's a tip (just in case you haven't already heard this one), since you're living in an apartment and don't have in-house laundry facilities. Wash your fabrics, but don't dry them. Fold them, if necessary, and then roll them up--yes, while they're still wet. Put your rolls in a plastic baggie and put them in the freezer. I can see from your posts that you are very organized, so this next tip is going to seem toooooo obvious. goes....put same color fabrics in one baggie and start a new baggie for each color (hope I didn't offend you too much with that one) :) Take them out of the freezer at least 1 hour before you want to iron them so they can defreeze. You will need to unroll them slowly--like in 5-10 minute increments as they defreeze. They will still seem to be soaking wet as you iron them. But that will help with any shrinkage problem you might be concerned with that didn't get taken care of in the dryer.
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