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Old 03-29-2011, 07:27 AM
Always In Stitches
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: America
Posts: 105

My mistake, I found the quilt pattern, it is called "Monterey Angel" and not Montecella, not sure where my brain came up with that... It is at, I found the link here it is...

the shop is called Edelweiss and here is their info... Edelweiss Needlework Chalet
362 Pagosa Street (HWY US 160) · PO Box 3505 · Pagosa Springs, CO 81147

Originally Posted by Always In Stitches
Ok here is the story on my "angel quilt". I call it "My babies Angel", my baby is my husband. He goes on these hunting trips ever so many years, (I think to prove that he still can) to CO to Elk Hunt. (he has never brought home an elk yet) but the thing is that when he is gone and we are apart, we are both actually miserable, because it is like part of us is missing. Anyway, on his last trip, when he came off the mountain in some little po-dunk town (a.k.a. tiny town) waiting for the other guys to get their showers and clean up to head home and he spied a quilt shop, so he went in and told the people that he wanted to take something home to his wife and that she was a quilter, "BLESS THEIR HEARTS", the first thing they asked him was is she a good quilter, ( or fishing for info on my skill level) He said, well, she wins lots of ribbons (mostly best of show at the county fair, Ha Ha!) at quilt shows all over and she makes a lot of quilts. To which they replied we have the perfect thing for her. He said, "Well I kind of want it to depict some character of this area", (which to them was kind of south western) anyway, they showed him the "Monticello angel quilt pattern, plus fabric (kit) and yardage of a southwestern boarder fabric) And they put it all together in a nice reusable bag and sent him home proud as a peacock. of course the other guys had no idea he had went shopping for his wife, but it is just something he does for me whenever we are apart. And it was so funny he got home about 4 a.m. and I greeted him on the steps and the first thing he said was I got you something with a shitty ass grin on his face. He was so proud of himself. :) . I just love him to death! He really isn’t much of a hunter he mostly likes to see the BIG country, ride his horses over the continental divide and work with his horses and pack out the other guys elk plus he loves the camaraderie and that is what he enjoys. So look for (or google) quilt shops around the Wolf Creek Pass or Pagosa Springs, CO area and then call them and ask about a pattern called Montella or something like that. That is the best I can help you out with finding it. It was juried into the AQS show in Des Moines, Iowa a few years ago and hung in that show. It didn’t win any ribbons but it was nice to know my work was good enough to get into a show like that. Happy Hunting. Oh and here is a better picture of our quilting cabin. Will post a better picture of “My babies Angel when I find one!
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