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Old 09-27-2007, 05:19 AM
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 17

I've read a couple of the posts about the trouble that so many of you are experiencing with acceptance in your Guild. Truly, I'm sorry to hear this. In my opinion, Guilds should be open and accepting of all quilters and all quilting styles and all quilting levels (the newest one to the quilter with decades of experience). I know mine is.

For anyone that is struggling with their guild, I invite you to join mine: The Chenango Piecemakers. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!

We have around 100 members right now and we run the gamut from the most novice quilter to the professional. We have some who quilt for fun, and some who teach, some quilt as part of their job, one of our members is a certified judge. We have traditional quilters, art quilters, hand quilters, machine quilters, long arm quilters and everything in between.

Yes, I know you don't live near me (truth be told, NO ONE lives near me!! I'm very rural! LOL) but you don't have to live in Norwich, NY or Chenango County to be a member in our guild.

We have several long-distance members (WV, VA, PA, WA, OK, and some from several hours away, but still in NYS). They do everything by mail, and occasionally make the trip here and stay with friends or family. Some come just to go to our retreats or our show or an annual event. Many participate by sending things in the mail. Some just enjoy getting the monthly newsletter.

I'd be happy to answer any questions anyone has and would welcome any new members, no matter where you live or what your quiting style is.

You can check out our website, too:

PS: I'm one of the Co-Presidents....


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