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Old 03-30-2011, 10:40 PM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posts: 847

Originally Posted by lynnsim
(sorry, Pam, but I have to answer Judie.)
Judie, don't feel guilty about what you did. You're right, none of us are perfect. I will be married 40 years this November and have to tell you what happened. My DH snores so loud that at times I have to leave our bed. About 20 years ago, I was dealing with my sick parents, working full time, and dealing with teenagers. I guess I finally had enough. In my sleep, I started beating on my DH; he was so surprised. But, he did stop snoring so loud for a while, lol.
I was going to answer but got caught up looking up Easter patterns....that said:

Don't feel bad - sometimes I think we have to be blunt and shocking. I've been married 20 years. And my husband snores and leaves his shoes in the middle of the floor; and leaves the toilet lid up and the cabinet doors open and every other thing - I still love him and respect him but 2 nights ago when I went into the bedroom and tripped over his shoes ***(which is not a good thing because I have a bad ankle - the tendons are not attached to the bone; torn and I have a tear from my ankle to my knee)*** I quietly picked up his shoes and put one under his pillow and one behind his back.

When he woke up and said "what the He-double hockey sticks???" I very quietly and plainly said - "is it uncomfortable? Because when I tripped over them in the middle of the floor, turned my ankle and ended up on my butt I was uncomfortable too and I just thought I would share!". He started laughing said he was sorry kissed me and put his shoes in the closet! We are 48 hours free of shoes in the middle of the floor (bedroom was dark and so I couldn't see them).

We all get into patterns and a rhythm and flow of things and as Moms we decide what we let go and what we don't but some days....well just somedays we have to make a point!!!

I don't think that any or most of us see outburst of that sort as unloving - just frustrated!

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