Thread: Ideas needed...
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Old 02-26-2009, 03:46 PM
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Cool... it worked! :-)

Didn't describe the photo because I wasn't sure if it would load.

This is made out of t-shirts, and the corners are pieces of neck-ties.

I made this for my nephew, who lost his dad to cancer almost three years ago. It is made out of his dad's shirts. Just on a year ago my nephew (7 at the time) was also diagnosed with cancer, so this quilt was made quickly so he would have it in time to go into hospital. Even though it's such a simple design, it's still really effective. And the design doesn't take away from the story behind it.

Best of all, my sister can look at it and point to each square saying "that was the shirt your daddy bought on our honeymoon, that was his favourite rugby shirt", etc.

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