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Old 04-01-2011, 12:14 PM
Google Goddess
Join Date: May 2009
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wow, thanks for the information on the table runner

Originally Posted by Gerbie
Quick 4 Seam Table Runner

I don't have a pic. to post with this yet, but may later. Anyway here is a very quick table runner, that one of our quilters shared at our last quilting guilde.

Needed Materials:
1 piece of fabric for backing 1/2 yard wide. (18" wide)
1 piece of focal fabric 1/3 yard wide. (12" wide)
Length of fabric however long you want your runner to be.
Batting if you desire. l/3 yard wide and same length as the back and focal fabrics.
Rotary cutter, ruler, cutting mat and sewing machine.

cut both pieces the same length.
lay fabrics right sides of fabric together.
sew each long side of fabric together, the l/2 yard will naturally be wider giving you a fullness on the backing fabric, but you need to still need to sew the two long sides of each fabric together. (Seams 1&2). I hope that makes sense.
This will make a tube. leave each end unsewn.
Turn the tube inside out.
Now center the focal fabric and press. The sides of the backing fabric will be folded over onto the front then and give you about 1-1/2 inch border on the tube.
Fold the tube in half lengthwise and now sew each end which will be a straight seam (seams 3&4). Now turn each end inside out and make sure you get your point to come out well like that on a collar, and press, this will look like a triangle on each end. If you want to make a six seam runner, like I just did you can sew a narrow strip between the back fabric and the focal or front fabric. and it will give you an accent strip to the runner. Or decorate it however you want.
Walla---- now you have a quick four seam table runner.

(If you add batting it will need to be on the wrong side of the top of the focal fabric. and sew it into the seam when you sew the long sides together.)

Sorry I don't have a picture to go with this at this time.

You can sew it up in about 10-15 minutes. Takes about the same length of time to cut it out.

If you have any questions, PM me. Enjoy Gerbie :-)
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