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Old 04-02-2011, 09:38 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2008
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For me, it would be going too far to search out a specific thread like that for basting. It can't make *that* much difference. Regular thread does not slip and slide so much that it should ever be a problem when thread basting.

I also don't agree with the arm's length idea. It *is* important to cut thread fairly short when hand quilting so the thread doesn't get twisted and knotted. However, basting is done in large stitches and straight lines, so there isn't a lot of opportunity for the thread to twist or knot. Traditionally you would simply thread a needle and not cut the thread off the spool until you had completed a line of basting. The large stitches make it easy to pull the thread through.

I agree with the comment to use the thinnest, most breakable thread you can find in neutral colors. (It's not a good idea to use dark red or blue thread for basting, as the colors can transfer to your quilt when you pull the thread through.) Serger thread is good for thread basting.

When there is a problem with slippage from thread basting, it always seems to be because the basting lines are not sufficiently close to each other.
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