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Old 04-02-2011, 02:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Favorite Fabrics
Originally Posted by ghostrider
Oh, and my question for the fabric rep...would they be interested in adopting me?? ;-)
Gee, idunno... do you require much in the way of care and feeding?

How do you feel about hauling suitcases?

Maybe they could use a good porter...

After having done one road trip with a friend who is a fabric rep - nope no way! That is one hard job - shops cancel appointments at the very last minute, the owner or contact person is not available at the appointed time, another appointment is added to the mix at the very last minute requiring driving practically 3 hrs out of the way (one way); living in hotels; eating out all the time - sometimes in questionable places; not to mention the wear and tear on your body and your automobile and then add to that the gas prices!!!! Oh, and if the shop does not pay their bill, the rep does not get paid. Love playing with the fabrics tho!
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