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Old 04-02-2011, 02:37 PM
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Originally Posted by lynnie k
Originally Posted by sandpat
Here is mine. This took me about 12 hours...I'm slow. It is NOT my favorite, I don't think it is really pretty compared to the others, but guess what....its going IN the quilt!
well my block 17 is still a WIP and my scrolls are just not what I think they should be. I have beeen working on this block 3 days and I only have one scroll put on I had to go to the next block before I had a melt down. Well back to the blocks. Maybe I will show block17 when I finally finish it , or maybe not. have fun
Oh dear Lynnie, that sounds so sad, I am really sorry you are having such a problem.

I looked for a Youtube video that might help - I couldn't find one the way I do it, but this might be an alternative way:
It would be the second half of this that you need to watch, and using her method would need quite a few tiny snips in the seam allowance to get nice curves, but it could work quite well.
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