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Old 02-28-2009, 09:45 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Western Wisconsin
Posts: 12,930

I have bought good quality flannel at our local JoAnn's when it was on sale -- I think for just $2 or $3 a yard. Don't know for sure if the same flannel is offered on the website, but I would think it is. You do have to wait for flannel to go on sale, though.

JoAnn's sometimes offers free shipping coupons. You can check the website for current coupons and also sign up for emailed coupons. I never joined their online "club" so don't know if that is worthwhile or not.

Actually, I just checked and they have all of their "snuggle" flannels on sale right now for $3 a yard. Have no idea what the qualify of this flannel is; the stuff I bought was a marbled solid color and washed up beautifully with little shrinkage. I have purchased flannels at warehouse stores, though, that shrank about 25%!

What I do, before submitting an online order for anything, is Google "coupon code store-name" to see if I can find an online coupon for an additional discount or free shipping. About half the time I can find something I can use at checkout.

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