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Old 02-28-2009, 10:43 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 24

I second shopping on line for fabric, when possible.

On line I've never bought FQs only to find a square cut out of one of them. Evidently one of the quilt shop employees needed "just a wee bit more of fabric". But because I'd visited a lot of shops that day, I didn't know which shop was the culprit.

And on line I've never bought FQs at a particular price only to discover that I was over-charged when I got home!

On line, if batting is on sale, then it's on sale. Not as a recent visit to Hancock's when they had advertised batting on sale. When I dropped by one of their stores I was told that "Warm and Natural" batting (which is my favorite) isn't considered "batting". But the manager couldn't tell me just what it is if not batting!

I've bought hundreds of dollars of fabric on line and haven't had any problems (knock on wood!) so far.
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