Thread: Quilt as you go
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Old 02-28-2009, 01:04 PM
Wanda Holbrook
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 9

I recently bought a book called Machine Quilting in Sections by Marti Michell. It seems that the concept is pretty easy but I haven't had time to complete a quilt by this method.

I have done a small quilt in sections by piecing squares and sewing them together in a column, adding the batting and backing together, then basting the raw edges of the column together. I attached another column with the right side of the quilt pattern next to the right side of the piece I just quilted. The backing and batting are pinned next to the backing of the quilted strip Then sewed together in 1/4 inch seam. When it is all sewn together, I ironed the new column AWAY from the previously quilted part, sewed the raw edges together 1/4 inch from the edge and added another column. When it is done, it is quilted. Then you add any borders you want and the binding.

Hope this helps.

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