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Old 04-03-2011, 01:25 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by Pat M.
What sex are the birds? Are the cages too close together?
What species are they? Do a internet search on the birds.
There are some good sites on the net. Why do you think they are wild? Maybe you need to let them have their own rooms for a while. Most parrots have a dawn to dusk cycle on waking and sleeping. Mine gets up at 7AM and bed time at 7Pm. Your local public library should have books on what you need.
Our public library is smaller than my living room, so it isn't any help. I have been reading everything I can find on-line.
Simon is a Mini-McCaw. Piper is a Green Cheek Conure. They are supposed to both be males. I put Piper in the bathroom, and Simon is in the utility room. When it warms up more I would like to put Piper in my bedroom instead of the bathroom, but there is no heat in the bedroom so I can't put him there yet. They aren't "wild" as in caught in the wild, but they are definitely aggressive. You can't put your hand in either cage without protection. I have begun offering them crackers. Simon takes his and immediately eats it, but Piper just drops it and tries to bite me. One small step at a time I guess.
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