Thread: Good Marriages
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Old 04-03-2011, 02:03 PM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 87

The only time divorce is an option is if your spouse is physically or mentally abusive - or a child molester. Also, never side with ANYONE else, parents or siblings, against your spouse. Work it out in private. Pick your battles. How important is this "thing" whatever the argument is about, in the scheme of your entire life. Treat each other with respect. Back when I got married, divorce was not an option. Commitment was made, and each person had a choice with how they would behave. I treated him the way I would a best friend. Everyone argues. Try to end the argument so that you both win. Even if you have to postpone making a decision over something for a while.

One of the best things I have learned is to have a meeting of two. Set aside 5 minutes for the person with the issue to talk. The other person is not to say a word during that 5 minutes. When the first person is finished, the other one clarifies, repeats back what the first person said and then responds. NO belittling, or disrespect. It must be a safe place to talk. If you can't reach an agreement then you table the discussion until another time when you can think about it, get more info. or what ever else you need. In a few days you revisit the issue. Sometimes there is no good answer and sometimes you have to agree not to do it at all.
I am working on my first 50 years with this man that I married at 17. It hasn't been easy. His family still does a lot to try and break us up. I will say that my Mother-in-law always treated me well and we were friends until she died. Once we were married she was kind. FIL and BIL felt I took DH away from them.
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