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Old 04-03-2011, 09:58 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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A while ago a lady emailed me she met a young couple in Sears while she was looking at a lovely carpet. They flat out told her that with her cooperation, they would buy over 500 dollars of stuff SHE wants, if she would buy it from them for 300 dollars. They planed to receive it, sell it to her and walk out on everything they owed. And pay for it with a credit card, probably also a Sears Card.
Said she had a ball choosing things she had wanted and not been able to afford. She got their names and address/phone number, and earnestly made THEM promise not to tell her name to anyone. Then she went straight to the police!!

Things people will do for money are horrible.

Of course, she took the chance that this couple were FROM the police, but said she was darn careful to go straight to her local PD with no stops.
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