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Old 04-04-2011, 02:59 PM
Jo M
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Join Date: Jun 2010
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I confess: Like many of you, I have a crazy-long list too and I see more inspiration here everyday.

I really want to try my hand at the 3 landscape quilts that I've gotten as far as designing all the blocks for.
:idea: One will be all things Wyoming (bucking bronc silhouette/devil's tower/state bird/bighorn sheep/etc),
:idea: One - Michigan (camping/canoeing/hiking/etc), and
:idea: One - Detroit (RenCen/Belle Isle/Hart Plaza/RedWings/etc).

I've been collecting fabrics a little while for them, but still have some to get. The "city" fabrics are harder to come by, but I've found a couple on the board. Always looking for something that looks like skyscraper glass windows; stainless steel for sculptures; and marble for fountains.

Ahh, but, one at a time. I have one charm square top finished -to be sandwiched in the next few days; a baby quilt (as soon as we find out what it will be) and one for my DGS's birthday. All to be hand quilted, so it takes me awhile.
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