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Old 09-29-2007, 08:19 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 358

I do, and I agree with you! I like to keep a quilt diary of each project, and this usually includes notes on the color and amount of fabric, a few swatches, the thread, the batting type. I try to take a lot of photos as the quilt progresses along. I've even kept track of the amount of time I've spent on each's amazing how the hours can add up! A lot of my quilts get to become gifts, so it's nice to have a reminder of what they looked like, and that bit of history to remember them by.

I like to keep notebooks of project ideas clipped from magazines. Then there's the graph paper notebooks and blank sketchpads I absolutely gotta have to scribble and color block designs.
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