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Old 04-05-2011, 07:56 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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Originally Posted by running1
Oksewglad... the placemats are great!! love them!!! What width did you use for your logs? What did you back them with? and did you sew a seam around the edge, leaving a raw edge to let it fray like that? (Sorry for so many questions, but I'm not that experienced yet...)
thank you for sharing these!!
Thank you! The logs are 2" cut. I just sewed around the cat motif for 3 LC rounds. Then made a heart template for the shape using the LC as reference to length and width. I cut 2 hearts out of denim and 1 of the log cabin block. Next layered the three pieces of denim --made sure the bottom piece was right side out. Then sewed around the perimeter of the heart 1/2" away using the straight stretch stitch on my machine. This stitch is the one that goes 2 forward and 1 back. Just makes a stronger seam. Then snipped the raw edge every inch or so to help the ragging. You could use batting in the middle, but then cut it smaller so it doesn't show along the outer raw edge. I did not quilt these either. If you use batting you may want to quilt it enough to hold the batting in place.
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