Thread: Enough already
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Old 04-05-2011, 10:22 AM
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Originally Posted by gaigai
Originally Posted by 3TreeFrog
OK people, enough already! The wonderful people are trying their best to fix this wonderful board, let's leave them alone and stop with this "it's slow", "it's taking too long" and "it's been a week already", "the link wasn't blue" and so on!

I am not one of the people trying to fix the board, however I am tired of the complaining! Even though all those things are bothering you, you did get on the board to complain! Stop the pressure and let them get their job done as best they can. Working on a computer is more complex than some people can imagine.

To those of you who are working to fix the board and I might add while it is up and running, I for one think that you are doing a wonderful job, I like the changes and appreciate what you have done for the board and in turn for us!


Sorry TreeFrog, I have to respectfully disagree. I am in a profession that uses computers constantly, and I know that these kind of issues would not be tolerated for more than 24 hours. There is really no excuse for this to have dragged on for this long, in my never-to-be-humble opinion.
Ditto although I profess to be humble (like Jseus and Socrates, right?) I have been either using, building, or selling computer software since the IBM 360 back in the 1960's.
Plus, people logging in to say whether or not they are having timeouts and other problems can assist in finding the source of the problems.
Plus, although we don't get paid to go on the board site, somebody is hopefully getting paid for service or lack thereof. Or is this a charitable endeavor?
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