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Old 04-05-2011, 10:37 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Sturbridge, Ma
Posts: 3,992

A lot of us learned Free motion before the stitch regulator was invented. Yes you can do good work without it. Also, I disagree with the idea of leaving the feed dogs up. Why...unless your machine is an older one and not have this feather, then you cover them up with a piece of platic or note card.
Drop the feed dogs, get a darning foot and practice. The secrete is to learn to balance the speed of the machine with the speed of your hands. The best way is to rev up the machine to what sounds like a comfortable pace and then start working the hands until you find the balance. AND don't try to go fast as some say. This may be for later but not at first. Start with a medium speed and work from there. I don't know how anyone learns to satisfactorily learn free motion quilting with so much preferencial information out there without explanation of why is is a preference. To me it borders on mis information. Much of this information is contrary to all the well known quilters to started us free motion quilting and are the leaders in the techinique....The only exception to this are those teachers who say you must go fast.......perhaps later but not at first.
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