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Old 04-05-2011, 07:10 PM
Lori S
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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Originally Posted by jaciqltznok
REAL batiks usually do not bleed..the batik process involves many rinsing cycles....however, the more popular they became, the more KNOCK offs started hitting the shelves...

Stick with Names you can research, Hoffman, Princess Mirah, and Bali batiks are good ones...

and when in doubt, give it the Tissue test or go ahead and wash it with a dye catcher!
Well ....I have had Hoffman, Princess Mirah, and Bali Batiks, Kaufman , Moda batiks... (I have used just about every manufacture) out there... that did bleed , there really is NO guarantee a batik will not bleed. I have never purchased a batik other than from a LQS or reputable on-line source .
The rinse you speak of .... is not as complete as we need it to be and as consistant in entire line.
There has been a huge issue made of the volume of "less than green" process used to make these fabrics. The waste water contaminents has been the major focus by the goverment . The manufactures are under pressure to reduce the volumes of contaminients (contained in the rinse water) they are putting in the ground and water ways. This coupled with the ever growing demand has resulted in reduced water being used and shorter rinsing times.
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