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Old 04-07-2011, 06:34 AM
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Location: Bobcaygeon,On./ Bonita Springs, Fl
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I do stitch in ditch by machine when I think it works for
some quilts (although I do FMQ ) because I like the pattern it will leave on back. Not always wanting circles or
feathers for my square blocks.
Tried using filament thread but had trouble with it so never again. After findining out I own a SID foot I tried it last week but had puckers/bad stitiching on back so
ripped for many hours.
Have to use the walking foot for correct feed to fabric
but then guide it carefully where I can bury the thread not to be seen on the top. I don't find that hard.
Don't think it's the same if you are hand stitching as you are wanting your stitches to show. My quilts are not museum quality but I sure have fun .
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