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Old 04-07-2011, 07:21 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: 25 yrs in TN; now back home in MI
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This is what I'm going to do on my current project.(stitch next to the seam) I tried to SID but it wasn't working well for me. ( corners weren't the best.) So I'm going to leave the current SID in for my anchor (I only had a few passes) and change my technique. Then I'll take them out.

Also, when I first tried SID the quilter who told me about it assumed I knew how to start and stop with tiny stitches. I didn't so I had a lot of tails to cut and tie. :? Luckily it was a small charity quilt. Now when someone suggests a new technique, if I'm not going to a worikshop, I'll check out the videos and tutorials first.

Older and a little wiser. 8-)
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