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Old 04-07-2011, 08:32 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 74

Speaking of language. My dad mentioned one day that they had more to get through than he had girls to sew. My father and grandfather had a manchester factory and needed some extra help. I volunteered to go and help them. First day there and all were busy sewing sheets, pillow cases, mattress covers etc. One of the girls stood up to get some more work that had been cut ready for them. On the way back to her machine she said - Claire, how about you strip and I'll top. I looked up in amazement. It was then explained to me. When making mattress covers they have a strip or wall around the sides that joins onto the bottom of the cover and then the top goes on with an opening at one end to get the mattress in and then it ties with tapes. I have learned that all trades have thier own terms but I thought that "stripping" was a bit much. I have been sewing all my life but that is the funniest I have heard.
Happy "stripping" everyone. lol from Gleniveve
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