Thread: need to vent
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Old 04-07-2011, 11:28 AM
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Originally Posted by BellaBoo
It's downright stupid how so many adults think saying Oh, my bad in place of an apology will make things right. Most don't feel ashamed about being thoughtless. It's just oh whatever, giggle giggle. DH said the phrase my bad was used to excuse such stupid mistakes at work, the last intern was fired on the spot by saying it and shrugging his shoulders, like so what, to the wrong man in charge. LOL.
Encore, encore...let the reality begin for these fools! I too am tired of people's irresponsibility. Recently, my daughters Scout leader left her downtown after the parade even after she & I texted about this very thing (6x in the half hour just prior) as well as confirming before the parade began (2 hours). OK, it's a small town, but still 20 registered sex offenders here! She showed up at the cookie sale, where I had to go ahead to set up & casually asked where my daughter was. I was so livid...I forgive most anything, but you don't leave my child when you are in charge of her. Daughter called from a restaurant near where the end of the parade was, on some strangers cell phone. I sent my son to get her. Let's just say I don't plan on "entrusting" my daughter to her care in future as a result. She said "Oh, my bad"...REALLY!
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