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Old 04-07-2011, 06:31 PM
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Originally Posted by drw1mjw2
Years ago I was 'temping' at a local large company. A lady sitting near me invited me to have coffee with her. Being my first day I was extremely grateful to her. At coffee we were joined by three other ladies. One of the ladies was talking about her log cabin and how there had been a mistake. She was going to have to start over. I was really impressed! She was building a log cabin! And then having to undo what she had built and start over, amazing. Then two of them started talking about the rail fence they were working on. These ladies were incredible! I knew I was in the right group. I had just torn the the carpet up in my kitchen, put sub-flooring down and was tiling it.

At lunch another one of them was talking about her Star of David. Oh good, I had never met a Jewish person. How interesting.

The following day they were all talking about their 'fat quarters'. Now I am on the plump side so I could relate, but it was 'cheeky' of them I thought.

Sad to say but it took me until the third day to get the idea that they were talking about a world I knew nothing about. Good thing I kept my mouth shut and did not insert my foot, make that my hip.

As you have guessed I was not a quilter. But I have stuck with these lovely people through the years and have learned how to piece a beautiful quilt. I still don't quilt it but at least now I know the terms a lot better.
Imagine what wild things would have run through your brain had they started talking about "stack and whack".

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