Thread: New Machine
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Old 04-08-2011, 05:23 AM
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Limited funds is $100 for some, $1000 for others--what is your budget?
Personally, as I have a limited budget, I would not have an electronic machine--too expensive to service...
I would go for an old Singer, or an old Precision, or a Viking(pre-1976). Riccars are also good.
The cheaper new machines are wimps and most new machines made of plastic parts.
It is pretty easy to find the oldies, and they are made MUCH better.....
If you need fancy stitches once in a while, then buy a cheaper new one that does that,and use an old one for everyday sewing, but there are lots of older machines like the Kenmore or Universal, that will give you fancy stitches AND sew layers.....
I have an old Riccar, two Vikings, a Domestic, a Universal, two old Singers, and a treadle. I do quilt piecing on the old Singer 15-91.
Hit some estate sales and auctions, eBay Classified, check on Craigslist.....
You should check with Billy--(Lostn51) to see what he has he has them all ready to go....
Old treadles are great....but of course, not free arm, so it depends on WHAT you are sewing.
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