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Old 04-09-2011, 09:29 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: West Virginia
Posts: 988

What is it with cats and quilters? They lay on the machine, on the fabric piles, on the ironing borad, on the quilting frame table, on the quilt as a hammock in the quilting frame, on the cutting table right where you need to cut, and perhaps you have accidently trimmed a teeny bit off that fluffy tail when kitty swished it in fron of the rotary cutter. But they do purr ever so lovely and help regulate your haert beat, and give you a nod of approval and just want to be near you, don't they. I've got 2 black kitties. I have found myself making sure the presser foot is down as well as the needle when I have finished sewing, so the kitties won't get hurt. I also make sure the blade is covered on the rotary cutter so they won't slice a paw, and all the pins put out of tempation's reach.
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