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Old 04-10-2011, 05:32 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Ft. Myers, Florida
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Originally Posted by Zappycat
I feel like Suzanne... spinning my wheels and getting nowhere. I have a few things I want to make for my pal, but just can't quite get going and then there was the "wonderful project" that I DID DO... and it just didn't work out! UGH~~ Tuesday is my day off... hoping to get everything sorted, organized, finished, etc... and out the door to a "V" state then! I'm starting to worry that I am falling behind as the rest of you are starting to post you wonderful packages!!

Zappy, I'm right there with you. I want to finish one item for my pal and purchase one special item, but I feel as if time is slipping away from me. I do realize we have until the 19th to mail, but since it seems as if everyone is mailing already, I feel like I'm putting my pal "on the bench" :lol: :roll: :lol: Okay, make a few phone calls, see if place for special purchase is open today, stop on the way home from work.
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