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Old 04-10-2011, 07:06 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Ft. Myers, Florida
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Originally Posted by Zappycat
Originally Posted by Terryl
Originally Posted by Zappycat
I feel like Suzanne... spinning my wheels and getting nowhere. I have a few things I want to make for my pal, but just can't quite get going and then there was the "wonderful project" that I DID DO... and it just didn't work out! UGH~~ Tuesday is my day off... hoping to get everything sorted, organized, finished, etc... and out the door to a "V" state then! I'm starting to worry that I am falling behind as the rest of you are starting to post you wonderful packages!!

Zappy, I'm right there with you. I want to finish one item for my pal and purchase one special item, but I feel as if time is slipping away from me. I do realize we have until the 19th to mail, but since it seems as if everyone is mailing already, I feel like I'm putting my pal "on the bench" :lol: :roll: :lol: Okay, make a few phone calls, see if place for special purchase is open today, stop on the way home from work.
haha Terryl... maybe Suzanne should have paired us up... we could have sat on the bench together and then exchanged our packages on the last day, while sitting together on that bench!! JoAnns is having a big sale... I keep looking through it and seeing all these things that I want for ME!! (that's not good....)

How do we know Suzanne DIDN'T pair us up? Have you received a package yet? I haven't, sew maybe Suzanne knows us very well...... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :?:
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