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Old 04-12-2011, 04:40 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: West Michigan
Posts: 115

I was off to this really great start on my SP package, so I thought. I have been picking things up here and there and putting them in a tote of odds and ends of things I would like to get from my secret pal. So I have a wide variety of items to choose from when each month rolls around. I just have to put the finishing touches on each box to make them personal when I get my new SP’s likes and dislikes. YAAAHHH me!!! First time in a long time I’m organized! {{{hee hee}}}} ROTFLOL! Me? Organized, yah right.
Anyway we had the grandbabies over this weekend for the oldest one’s birthday. Like some of us here our sewing room doubles as another room when company comes. Yup you guessed it my sewing room is the grand boys bed room when there at Grammy’s house.
I thought I had everything picked up, packed up, and put up out of reach of the little sticky light fingered gotta just squeeze ‘em grandsons George Jr. and Eddy. Or so I thought.
After taking the boys home early Sunday evening, I thought I would put my SP package together so I could get it in the mail on Monday after work. I look for the 2 mug rugs that I worked on for over 2 hours Sunday night. Finely at about 10:30pm I called my DD and asked her if the boys had anything of mine in there bag? This went on for about 20 minutes, asking her if she was sure, telling her to check this and that and finely I sat down took a big drink of cold Pepsi and described the items to her.
Okay sis they are rectangle shaped kind of dark pastel colors and they both have things sewn on top. I believe you could have heard a pin drop at that point, she tells me I was going to call and ask why you made the boys girly blankets for the dinosaurs. Blankets? Dinosaurs? What are you talking about?
So anyway for future reference a mugrug is a perfect size blanket for the $1.00 dinosaurs from Wal-Mart. Sorry SP partner your package is going out a little later than planned, and not with the mugrugs/ dinosaur blankets.
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