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Old 04-12-2011, 05:15 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Peoria Arizona
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Originally Posted by sewingsuz
OK, Girls--- I am having a hard time here, because there is a butterfly machine like these at the casino and I saw a lady playing and all these butterflys covered the screen and she had just sat down and it gave yer $400 and some dollars. It is 14 miles from here, should I just stay home and sew or?????
I would do a little bit of both! You shouldn't stay seated for very long at a time - and the casino would give you a little break. LOL

BTW - Back about 6-7 years ago, I had a lantana in the back yard that was covered with Painted Lady butterflies. Couldn't see the flowers for butterfuly wings. Breathtaking! Have seen a few Swallowtails in our back yard in the last week or so. Nice catch on the photos. You might want to use one of them in a quilt. I transfered the photo I took of a Swallowtail (while I up in Flagstaff) to fabric and put it in one of my quilts. (Think that was one of photos of some of my quilts that I posted on this board and the photo I used is my avatar.)

Thanks for sharing - I do believe our few days of spring are here, so we better enjoy fast before we are in the triple digits again!
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